
Here you will find all information on size, colour codes and ingredients of our products.

  • Colours

    The colour display is dependent on the respective display settings of the viewer. For better orientation below the colours of

    Signal flags

    RAL code Pantone
    Yellow 1021 yellow = f2c000
    Red 3000 red = a02725
    Blue 5013 blue = 202e53
    Black 9005 black = 151619
    White 9016 white = f3f6f6

    Embroidered labels (background colours)

    HKS color Colour tone
    Royal blue 380 HKS 43k
    convoy dark gray 180 HKS 93k
    Bottle green 550 HKS 61k
    Silver gray 162 HKS 91k
    Golden yellow 740 HKS 5K

    Woven labels

    CMYK C M Y K
    C14 beige 39 33 44 01
    E19 golden yellow 44 43 82 14
    V19 gray 54 40 31 01
    V33 gray 75 61 46 31
    V39 gray 78 71 51 57
    P15 light blue 64 39 00 00
    P25 medium blue 94 100 32 23
    P29 marine 93 84 53 80
    R12 green 76 43 78 35
    R26 dark green 92 52 86 70

  • Flag size

    The sizes specified at SignalFlagName always relate to the respective height (h) of the flags in millimeters. The aspect ratio is at

    Letter flags 3:5
    Number flags 5:9

    Example: A flag size of 12 mm (h) results in a flag width of 20 mm.

  • Size oft the boat tableware "Flag"

    flat plates       Ø 24 cm         (↑ 2.0 cm)
    flat plates       Ø 20,5 cm      (↑ 2.0 cm)
    Pasta plates   Ø 18 cm         (↔ 18.0 cm, ↑ 6.0 cm)
    Coffee cup/saucer   220 ml  (↔ 9.00 cm, ↑ 9.00 cm)
    Salad/Cereal bowl  320 ml   (↔ 13.30 cm, ↑ 5.80 cm)
    Coffee mugs  270 ml            (↔ 8.20 cm, ↑ 9.90 cm)

  • Dimensions of the Savoy / Coup crockery

    All data can be seen on the respective configurator page.

  • Height of the woven / embroidered labels

    The flag symbols are embroidered or woven in accordingly. While it is necessary to add a border to embroidered labels, a tape edge is woven in woven labels. This is not only for visual reasons but prevents actively the respective label from fraying. Furthermore, this space is needed that the flags are not over-sewn while sewing on.

    The height of the label is not adjusted by percentage. Only the space / edge is considered that is necessary for sewing on

  • Length of the designed woven / embroidered labels

    This is mainly determined by the number of flag symbols, distances from each other and spaces. So mathematically it is not a problem. For visual and technical reasons, however, nuances can result in the total length of the label.
    Depending on the flag height selected, these are approx. ¾ to 1 flag symbol for spaces and the distances between the flags are Ø approx. ¼ of the flag height.

  • Ingredients of textile adhesive

    Please refer to the manufacturer's website.